Thursday, July 11, 2024

Let's Make Dinner

 If you wanted to make a marvelous dinner and needed the ingredients to cook the dinner you would most likely go to the grocery store. You would usually buy the ingredients you needed to make the meal. The grocery store wouldn't tell you that you can't buy certain items or that you were not allowed to purchase the items you need for your dish. They also wouldn't just put delish food on display and tell customers they can't buy it. Most likely they would have all isles available to you so you could pick and choose which foods and things you wanted for your grocery shopping cart.

I feel that spirituality is no different. I believe that there are items in the earth and universe that are meant for us to use to create our world the way we desire. What would be the purpose of putting these items in the earth just to turn around and have a punishment in place for whoever dared to use them. There are so many earthly items that have medicinal properties as well as spiritual properties, that to put them here on the earth without having a purpose for them to be used is just silly.

Also, not every dish you cook requires the same exact ingredients as other dishes. You can pick what to add to your meal each time and each time you might add something different than you did the last time...just to change it up a bit. I know there are some who might find what I am writing about to be blasphemous. But you know what? Who cares. I'm not here to please all...but that is a blog entry for another time babes. đŸ˜˜

Blessed be,


Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Playing Field is a Little Biased

 So...."if we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".....then why are WE the ones going to hell? Why is it WE have original sin if we're already up against supernatural bs that has all this power over us? The playing field is a little biased and jacked up. Just sayin.

Why put all that in our path to distract, destroy and deter us to cause all that struggle and spiritual conflict? All that is ALREADY in our way to getting to heaven, and then to just turn around and are going to hell if you don't do such and such and such...

How are you going to put all these obstacles in your child's way in the playground you built, put supernatural and natural bullies in there and make it so their friends seem like friends on the outside but are really enemies...even family members.....and make it so they can't tell what is real and what isn't....and then blame your child for making a decision to play in a different playground? And punish them for choices they were forced to make because of wrestling against supernatural forces you put in place???

Monday, May 29, 2023

Frequencies...and the Deep Dark Rabbit Hole

 I've been listening to a lot of different videos about and including different frequencies. Mainly ones that help connect to a higher power source and that create healing or ones such as 528 hz for transforming yourself and situations. I've also read about lower frequencies and how they can cause anxiety or depression or any other unwanted physical manifestations. 

With that said regarding the lower frequencies, I got to thinking that maybe the reason why there is so much depression and anxiety and physical illnesses is that we are being constantly fed these lower frequencies from some unseen source to control humans. Because the lower frequencies that cause these unwanted manifestations the human ear cannot hear. I really tend to believe that the lower frequencies that are not able to be heard are typically played in the areas where high crime rates are, where poverty is most prevalent. I also believe that these lower frequencies are also played everywhere else as well so that the humans who are more susceptible to those lower frequencies in other areas are more likely to be affected. So, not just in high crime areas but also everywhere else, albeit mostly in the poverty stricken, high crime areas. Hence the reason those areas are high crime and poverty stricken to begin with.

I believe the way to combat these frequencies that are constantly being played, is the do things in the physical world that would create a more aware mind, spirit and soul. It makes sense to eat more raw foods and less chemically processed foods. Which in many cases can be difficult because our taste buds have been conditioned to the taste of these foods. But every little bit helps, so I say start with small steps. Cut out bit by bit whatever is not healthy. Eventually you will have made many strides. I know I will continuing this myself.

Now, I also feel that our interactions with other people, family or otherwise can play into these lower frequencies very much so. That is why we have to make sure we are surrounding ourselves with people who and situations that support us as much as possible.  This goes for romantic relationships, family relationships and friendships etc. If there are those wayside stragglers who always seem to leave you feeling depleted and unsettled, then it might be a good idea to slowly but surely start to separate yourself from them. It can be difficult, the same difficulty as cutting certain foods out of your diet, because we are used to and conditioned by what is familiar to us.

Below I've included some ideas for helping you to increase your own frequencies. In the first idea I included a link to one of the videos I have been using and playing on loop. Please feel free to comment any ideas you have that have helped you to raise your own frequencies and block out the constant lower frequencies that are constantly being played around us daily.

8 Ideas for increasing your frequency (this list is inexhaustible and will change as I add more ideas to help you):

1. Listening to music that has a higher frequency.

2. Eating more organically raw foods as much as possible

3. Cleaning up your life by disconnecting with people, places and things that bring your frequency down.

4. Begin to start paying attention to your surroundings more intently.

5. Do every activity with intent, whether it's making the bed, making dinner or something more profound.

6. Practice mindfulness, by sitting and taking in deep breaths, holding it for a few seconds, and breathing out. A few times per day.

7. Light candles, burn incense, burn sage/palo santo/copal etc throughout the home. 

8. Speak words of light in every corner of your house while doing some or all of the above.

Credit Sources: 

"Tuning Fork Sound Healing Vibes|All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies|Sound Bath" - by Sound Healing Vibes YouTube Channel

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Is Nothing a Higher Seeing and Awareness of ALL?

 What is nothing? And how did nothing become nothing? To become nothing, it had to be something at one point. It had to exist somehow in some way to be able to be called nothing.

Is nothing an otherwise empty space in time and space and if so, other than nothing, what is this nothingness made of exactly?

Is nothing really something in disguise? How do we get down to the nitty-gritty ingredients of what nothing truly is? It's possible that nothing is actually peace. It's possible it is the place that the mind is at rest and fully aware of itself. It's possible that nothing is ironically a higher "seeing" and awareness of ALL.

Like a place in our subconscious where everything exists all at once, but not at all, but also at the same time.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Now Moment

I like to live and celebrate my life from the NOW moment. I am ok in THIS precise moment whether I receive what it is I wish for, whether I get the job, whether they accept me or reject me, whether it is a yes or a no. So, if I were to receive my desired outcome, it adds to my already content energy in the NOW moment. And if I were denied my desired outcome and receive a no, I'm already contained in my divine self so that NO, that rejection doesn't affect me or take away from me, my already complete SELF. 

We are all able to do this and if many more would practice living from the NOW moment, then there would be much less anxiety and depression I believe. Because at that moment, you are not holding on to any outcomes. You are not ruled by an outcome. You are ruled by your Self, and you take back any power that the reliance on an outcome has over you by knowing you are ok and perfect in this moment. With or without what you desire to come to pass.

To go a step further, this is not to say that going after your desires and dreams is to be avoided and not followed. I'm only saying go after them but don't become so attached to the result that you lose yourself. Know that with or without accomplishing anything you are still valid and deserving as you are. Dreams should be wonderful to pursue and blissful. If it becomes unenjoyable and disheartening, then maybe we aren't following our dreams from a healthy place. Of course, it is not always easy, but you should still be enjoying the process and not coming from a place that you are nothing without accomplishing reaching that dream. Of course, it will be disappointing, but we should always be happy with ourselves first. Because even if you reach your goals and dreams, and you were never content with yourself to begin with, then having the dream accomplished will not make you happy either way.

Live from the Now Moment. 💗

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hi My Lovely Jipsies!! đŸ’ĢI'm Back! 💖

 đŸ’Ģ Well gosh, it has been a good long while since I posted in this blog. Since pre pandemic I believe.  Feels strangely amazing to be back in here. I actually couldn't figure out how to sign back in, i.e., what email I used to create the blog. Luckily, I'm back!! 😍

đŸ’Ģ There is so much to discuss. New music, new side of the country, new cat. His name is Happi. I will definitely be more active again on my malnourished blog. Life has really been a big, twisted pretzel. I'm sure all of us can relate to that statement in one form or fashion. I sincerely hope you and your family are all doing safe and well.💓

đŸ’Ģ On another note, due to the changes and weirdness that the last 4 years has been for me personally you'll probably notice that I myself have changed somewhat in the way I write. Maybe? I don't know....well whether you feel it is for the best or worst is for you to decide for yourself. I'm going to be writing more in my blog and sharing more of all the exciting ventures that have happened and will be happening. Until then you can buy my music on Apple Music, as well as other online platforms. And I am back on Spotify.

I've included a link to Apple music and my Spotify! 😊

Buy Me on Apple Music

Listen to me on Spotify

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Idea

Hey long time no talk, ☺️

So I decided to post a short entry. I'm trying to sleep again. Up thinking about being great and attaining goals and dreams. And how we can unconsciously fall in to being less than our potential and feeling like an unseen idea. 

Then this thought popped in my head.

"You are not just an idea. You exist. You are a real and tangible manifestation of existence that started as the idea. Stop shrinking by stopping at just being the idea of yourself. Go and be."

~ 💗 Jipsy
