Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Magnitude of Enlightenment and Awakening

Awakening and finding enlightenment are individual experiences. As much as we share the knowledge and internal dialogue transpiring between us and spirit with just can't have the same impact on them as it does on you.
No one can know the magnitude of what is occuring in your higher mind and subconscious. Spirit doesn't transcribe to others the way it does to you and vice versa.
And I tend to believe that is the point. What's meant for you is meant for you. And when or if you do share your growth and experience with the next person they will receive it in their own way.
Spirit is an individual experience. And that is a beautiful thing ..🙏
🖤 Jipsy

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Truly, Genuinely Listening and Genuinely, Truly Speaking Truth

When we can learn to listen to someone explain their worries from a standpoint of simply listening to an intelligent and capable person talk about some things they are experiencing.... without putting that person in a box of incapable and unaware.... then we will see less disagreements in our conversation and more acceptance from all parties involved.

Just because someone is going through something you deem as lower than what you would allow in your life doesn't somehow give you the right to think that person is lesser in their mental state or capability to get through anything. It doesn't make you better or smarter. It just makes you a person who isn't going through what they are going through.

If we can just be there for a person who may be going through something we don't agree with and not let our ego get in the way then we are truly listening to a person and not only looking for ways to make ourselves feel superior.

We all want to speak..but we all want to be truly and genuinely heard too.

💗 Jipsy
